Dr. Hubert J. Karreman VMD
Specializing in non-antibiotic treatment of infectious disease, Dr. Karreman is a pioneer of organic veterinary medicine. Working with real cases in clinical practice under the extremely strict “no antibiotics” rule for organic livestock in the US, he developed the non-antibiotic treatment of infectious disease.
Dr. Hubert Karreman is a 1995 graduate from the University of Pennsylvania School of Veterinary Medicine. He is a dairy veterinarian and independent educator of integrative veterinary medicine for livestock. His practice is limited to internal medicine. He is an internationally recognized expert in the non-antibiotic treatment of infectious disease and non-hormonal treatment of infertility.
He completed a 5 year term on the USDA National Organic Standards Board (2005-2010), serving 3 years as Chair of the NOSB Livestock Committee. In 1999-2000 Dr. Karreman was on the AVMA Taskforce for Complementary and Alternative Veterinary Medicine (CAVM), which wrote the current AVMA Guidelines on CAVM. He is also a member of AVMA, VBMA (Veterinary Botanical Medicine Association), AABP (American Association of Bovine Practitioners), and sits on the AABP Committee on Pharmaceutical & Biological Issues.
His passion is being among animals, working directly with them in a hands-on way, and teaching ecological and natural methods of preventing and treating illness. He is the first certified CowSignals® trainer in the United States and enjoys sharing insights into reading cows and understanding what they are telling us. Dr. Karreman believes that we can more fully enjoy the living world around us by blending straight forward factual information with heart-based perception and insight.